Asbestos continues to be a severe health risk in all forms of Demolition, Renovation, and maintenance. This is due to the fact that airborne Asbestos fibers breathed in to the lungs cause a number of fatal diseases. These are diseases that show up years after workers (or others that may come into contact with workers)exposure to asbestos fibers. WSIB Stats show that during the 10 year period 1996-2005, a greater number of workers died from occupational disease (291) than died from accidents (207). During this period of time, asbestos related diseases-Mesothelioma, asbestosis and Lung Cancer accounted for 89% of total occupational fatalities. Lets train our workers to respect, as well as comply with the law and stay safe!
The Ministry of Labour has classified Asbestos as a "Designated Substance" with it's own regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Regulation 278 "Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations" Our training will explain how workers are protected by the law. The training program explains the Responsibilities of all workplace parties and classifies all forms of Asbestos work. We then explain exactly what must be done on site to prepare the site, selection of Personal Protective Equipment, how to protect the public, and do the work. Finally we go through site cleanup and Waste disposal.